Topic outline

  • Module 1: Design Thinking

  • Module 2: E-Commerce Done Right

  • Module 3: Visual Branding

    In this module, we will shed a light on the “design brief” and its fundamental role in terms of creating a unique corporate identity. You will become familiar with the format of the design brief, its length and some valuable tips & tricks that you may want to take into account in order to work smoothly with your design team. You will be also introduced to some hands-on tips and tricks that will enable you to sketch quickly a new logo for your company or product or to redesign the existing one. The logo (trademark) comes in various shapes, forms and features, and it is important that you are considered about its distinctive characteristics that communicate the main company values, mission, and goals.

  • Module 4: Growth Hacking

     In this module we will invite you to get up to speed on an approach and mindset that promises to maximize your chances of success in customer acquisition already at the early stages of your business, before you have access to the means and marketing budget that more established companies have at their disposal. The approach and mindset in question is known as “growth hacking” in startup land, and it is an alternative to, or maybe more precisely a variation on, marketing as we know it in the case of larger, more mature companies.

  • Module 5: Brainstorming

    In this Module, we will explore “brainstorming” from a new vantage point: through the prism of the advertising industry. The focus will be placed on finding the right advertising strategy and developing a description of your product/business that clearly communicates your brand promise.
  • Module 6: Problem solving and critical thinking

    In this module, you will become aware of how to effectively solve problems by building up an effective brand awareness for your company. You will become familiar with the matter of the Unique Selling Point (USP) and Emotional Selling Point (ESP). You will learn valuable insights regarding how to engage your target audience to what you are promoting and how it would match with your client expectations.

  • Module 7: Create Attractive Social Media Content

    This module is designed to help you develop valuable content for your business in social media and content marketing. You will explore different good practice examples on social media design tools and how they could suit best to your needs. Case studies of successful online marketing campaigns across platforms will help you to develop your own social media marketing strategies.

  • Module 8: Concept Development

    The challenge of new product or services development has tremendously increased as companies are facing major competition, disruptive alternatives, new regulations, and emerging markets. Changing customer behaviors and expectations lead companies to create a new frame to evaluate product and services development. 

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